1. Fluoro-Jade C labeling demonstrates extensive kainic acid induced degeneration in both the basolateral amydgala (left) and the dorsal endopiriform nucleus (right).
2. This paraffin processed tissue illustrates extensive kainic acid induced degeneration of the tenia tecta. Image rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise.
3. Double exposure using ultraviolet and blue light excitation reveals blue DAPI labeled nuclei and green Fluoro-Jade C positive cells and terminals in the dorsal thalamus following kainic acid exposure.
4. High magnification of the central nucleus of the amygdala is visualized by using sequential green and blue illumination to reveal red (TRITC) GFAP labeled activated astrocytes in association with green Fluoro-Jade C positive degenerating nerve cells and terminals.
5. A triple exposure of the hippocampal dentate gyrus sequentially illuminated with blue, ultraviolet and green light respectively reveals green Fluoro-Jade C positive degenerating polymorphic neurons in the hilar region, blue DAPI staining of nuclei which is especially conspicuous among the intact granule cells and red GFAP positive activated astrocytes.
6. Frozen section reveals a striatal lesion produced by 3-NPA exposure. The toxicant results in a focal lesion in which degenerating soma, neuropil and terminals are all Fluoro-Jade C positive, while the intact surrounding tissue, the myelinated fascicles and the blood vessels are all unstained.
7. Extensive kainic acid induced lesion of the ventral thalamus, but not the underlying hypothalamus is seen. Fluoro-Jade C labeling within the ventral thalamus reveals the presence of degenerating cells and terminals.
8. Kainic acid induced degeneration in paraffin sections through the striatum reveals conspicuously labeled cell bodies and distinct terminals.